Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Heroes!! Lurve Heroes! (aka I have nothing better to blog?)
Current Colour: light Bluuuueee (aiyo, how cud Milo/Peter look so freak hot in a hoodie??)
Current Music: Freak Me by Another Level (uh uh... ya know why... lol... tho this reminds me of Sunshine!)
Current Annoyance: Dial up freaking slow
Current Obsession: 1) Heroes Season 2. 2) Facebook. 3) Scrabulous 4) Britney's Gimme More (dammit, it's addictive! LoL)
Current Physical Ailment: Sleepy... lol. No thanks to my med...dang...
Okie... me nothing to blog so...
Hmm... I've finally caught up with my Heroes Season 2. Missed two (yes, TWO) weeks worth of Heroes. Hmmm ... but what I DIDN'T miss last week was this:
or you can watch it at here. (BEWARE: MINOR SPOILER )LoL.
Not 100% the sole reason I watch Heroes but probably erm... 85%?? hahahah.... Anyway, Ep. 8 is out... the one everyone has been waiting for: the one about what happened during & after the HUUGE PETER EXPLOSIO!! So gonna watch it tmrw... if m lucky.
Btw, abt the meds I was talking abt?? I'll blog abt it when I have a lil more time. basically me pretty high on some sort of 'dope'... my sis has been teasing me abt not getting involved in sports! lol.. It's prescription leh. but man, I do have a hell of an appetite... been trying to control it tho my tummy rumbling. lol... And yeah, i can't sleep or lie down within 2 hrs after meals. Damn. LoL... That means no bed time at 7.30pm after dinner. grr....
Anyway... it's alreasdy over 5 hrs after dinner but since i had chocs while baking choc & almond cookies... it's considered 3 hrs... can zzz now... so ciao.
Later babes.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Current Colour: seeing RED
Current Music:Photo by Ryan Cabrera (go figure why)
Current Annoyance: can't find d hidden room/ clue (what is this? read on)
Current Obsession: Heroes Official Game
Current Physical Ailment: Sore thumbs!!
Yatta!!! hahahah... I finished the Heroes game... THREE time already. lol. At first it took me 4 days, then two days then one night to complete. Lol... The first time was draggy coz it tooke me almost 3 day to finish the Final Battle... tricky but i figured it out finally. If you are playing, you'll get what I mean.
I'm not here to do a review, nor am I here to tell you how to play (sorry, i'm not a spoiler queen even though I do read them!) lol... The only thing I can tell you is that there is a HIDDEN ROOM in the game wich will provide a vital CLUE related to tehe current 2nd season. WHERE? I also dunno... still looking for it. I think on one of Hiro's level I did wander off in a different path somewhere but i'm NOT totally sure. LoL...
It's weird to blog when I know practically no one reads this but what the hell... this is my only outlet. Anyway, probably will be changing the blog skin... so see how it goes. Kinda sick of the purple look now. lol...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Heroes Mania!
Ok, ok.. I'm so kinda obsessed with Heroes these days. I just can't wait for the DVD!!! Ppl in Singapore, London, where ever... Get me the DVD set! Oh well.. u know how lagging Brunei is. Beside WHERE IN BRUNEI CAN YOU GET ORIGINAL DVDs?? Lol...
Hmmm... can't wait til season 2 starts showing here. Aiyo. How come we r not getting the Heroes specials which the stars host their special episodes?? aiyama... have to rely on youtube but... dial up worr... so slooooow... hahaha
Anyway, these are my favourite links
Heroes 360
Heroes MySpace
Heroes Wiki I love this site. Gives lots of indepth info on the show. even on things you never noticed! LoL. M such a geek...
Heroes the Series
Heroes transcript
Heroes Store I want everything there!!!
LoL... M such a geek leh. hahaha...need to get a life but... hey, who has a life here in brunei? LoL. All we do is work, eat, shop and sleep.... and repeat again. Is isn't a wonder why I seem to spend hundreds every month! (OMG Hundreds??? mum's gonna kill me!) Hmmm... they should have a Heroes store here....
Ok ok.. I better stop before everyone thinks I'm too heroes-crazy or a heroes maniac. Lol... Sigh... Y Brunei so sien one??? NOTHING ever happens here... :( AAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linaaaaa!!!! Knock my head!! LoL... (R u sick of me yet ah?) Damn, my sis not here for me to bug! LoL...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Freaking mad!!! M 23, not 5!!!
Current Colour: red and black
Current Music: a pretty hypnotic song- teardrop by massive attack (listening to Prison Break OST) wait... change to deftones cd. not my kninda thing but my emo guy listens to it. it has serve it's purpose... it's emo enough for my emo mood... grrrrr....
Current Annoyance: parents being a pain in my@ss... they treat my sis as if she's 20 years older than me n i'm only 5!!
Current Obsession: getting the hell out of brunei
Ok. so I lie. I do hate getting stucked in brunei, no frens except Lina and Khiong, working with OLDER ppl who have kids my age, no life except go to work- come home- sleep- and repeat that every freaking working day!!!
I've been trying to convince myself, life isn't so freaking bad here in brunei. no tax, no war, earn enough money to convince myself not to kill myself after work each day....
do i hate my job? no... i hate my freaking life! d only fun i ever get is when i go out with lina to shop/ eat/ hunting/ wahatever... enough fun to be contented to actually have only one real fren here in this WHOLE country. sad? i think i really should have taken up mum's offer to bring me to psychatrist when i was 15-16. yeah, i've been pretty fucked up since i stepped into brunei. i had a normal life in kuching. when i was in miri at least i have a semi normal life. Now?? i dont haf a life. One day might go haywire and be dysfunctional. maybe i shud do a britney and shave my freaking hair off...
yes. this is my cry for attention, i want, no, i NEED to get out of brunei. it's screwing up my life- depression at 15, suffered from bully-ish from form 4-5, low self esteem at 16, inferior complex at 16, duel/multi personality complex by 18 (if u know me from uni, u'd b surprise to know the me in brunei), no bf til 23.... damn. How to get a bf if wanna go out with a FEMALE friend (aka Lina, who else?) also haf to ask for permission?? Am 23 orr, not 15! My sis sometimes just go out and she's 20!!
my sis allowed to travel on her own (she flew ALONE yesterday) or with frens by 18 or 19. me? d furthest is miri la, by bus n sampan. u think my parents even allow me to go further? once off handedly said wanna go to sibu by land with frens, they freak out... yeah. That bad. and that was when i was in uni.
the first time i went out with frens (legally) was when i was 17 (at 123 0r 14 or so got sneak out la... pretend go to post office or sch or buy sch project stuffs... but go lim teh or just browsing at BOOKSTORE... m such a nerd/ geek). my first sleepover was at 18. my first sem in uni (foundation at riam time) i was grounded for 1 sem coz i got caught at d shopping mall at 10.30pm by my cousin (tale tell... :( grrr...) My first date... hahahha... u think any guy wanna date me? considering that they probably haf to send in written request to my parents just to go out with me or worse probably wanna chaperone. Oh hell...
come on la. M old enough to think here! if in uni manage to fend off ppl who wanted to get into my pants (yeah, a few... including... nevermind), definitely know how to think properly. I mean, d idea of u know, one night stand... to some it's fun but to me... i have a sense of dignity and self worth. i still respect myself and even if no 1 respect me, i still wanna respect myself in d morning when i get up. me no prude (oh hell, further than that ok. my mind is like an x rated movie store sometimes, thanks to listening to too much guys' talk in uni) but dont expect me to screw around.
drug, smoking, drinking, sex... all the vices... i manage to graduate without trying any of those. what makes it different now?? considering i had frens who r alcoholics, chain smokers ( normal ciggies n also those who did weed...), druggies/ pusher (well i suspect only la, cant confirm... lol. dunno whr they r now), permiscuous frens (yeah, some bitches i know slept with HIM)... i don't condemn them for their choices... it's a free world. but they never influenced me. hell, idont even go clubbing!! not that i'm a goody two shoes... iame home at 9am before (but stayng alone so who cares... din come back for days also no1 scold...)
parents shud give me some slack la... m 23, repeat, 23. I work and earn my own money. yes, i did set aside some for d future. for my studies but hey... i need to relax sometimes. need to go out, meet some friends, meet guys (brunei no guys that interest me, all i meet are OLD ppl from work related thingies) mayb date a few guys? Grrr!!! I wish some guy jsut sweep me off my feet, bring me away to a far far away land and live happily ever after... when i was 12, i said i wanna marry at 24... hello, m 23 and no bf... u think my parents let me get married after a short courtship??? no way... ppl gossip only later, must b pregnant one la, shotgun al, whatever la... probably at least 5 years by d looks of it... if i even manage to get a guy to date me in d first place!! sigh... scared of ending up alone... a lonely spinster with 30 cats... Oh hell!! that's scary. if by 40 din marry probably kill myself liaw lorr or b permiscuous... hahahaha.... sigh... only if.... who knows, probably dun even live to be 30 with all this stress and depression... lol. touch wood!!!
But m raring to leave this place so ppl, if u wanna make me happy, offer me a job OUTSIDE of brunei and sarawak/sabah ok. The further aka Hollywood d better! of course m not cutting ties la... come back 4 holidays but hell... need to get out n learn how to cope in d real world. how to be a mother to a 23 year old next time if i cant give advise how it is to b a 23 year old trying to survive in the real world???? Grrr...right now my family is dysfunctional enough ok (not immediate family, extended family). dont make my future like that too... need space to breathe!! aargh!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, my point is... I'm 23. Give me opportunity to grow up and experience life as a 20 something. Allow me to make decissions ( how to how to learn if never get opportunity?? like this job, i applied for it and took it because MY PARENTS want me to, not because I WANT to... more like I HAD to coz I HAD NO CHOICE... I need a job that i enjoy and not a job whr i haf to lie that i liked it whenever i meet YOUR friends) Let me go outh with friends sometimes. If my youngers sister can go for holidays alone, why not me. After all, I'm going with my best friend of 13 years.... who was like another daughter in the family. So... Let me go to Singapore!!!!!!! aargh!!! Stressed enough in office. need to let go some steam before i explode.
P/S: M not disrespecting my parents here or how they r bring us up/ parenting skills. we turn out ok but please... no need to hold on too tight. I need to grow up and leave the nest.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
My Cutie's Going To Singapore!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current Colour: Black
Current Music: Way Back Into Love from the Music & Lyrics OST (on repeat & singing it too)
Current Annoyance: being so far away from.... ;p
Current Obsession: Heroes and milo peng addiction
Current Physical Ailment: Love sick
OH my God, Oh my God!! My dream guy is coming to Singapore in like 3 months!!!! Aiiiii!!!! (Scream!!) Just found out the news about 20 Minutes ago! OMG OMG OMG!!! Gonna die from excitement!!! LOL. See, I have not blogged for ages and now m blogging abt him! AAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh man!! I need to find a way to Singapore then! Planning ahead. Ok, ok…. If he is confirm going I’m gonna book tickets. Hopefully I can go. Please please let it be a Saturday so I can fly on Friday and come back on Sunday. OMG…. Like planning a rendevous!! Hahahaha… IZZAH DO NOT MENTION HIS NAME HERE!!!! OMG…. Now I feel like drinking a glass of cold milo peng… aiyo… had one already today!! Hahahah….
Calm down, calm down… Ok who is he? Hahahaha… not gonna say… *Sing* “all I wanna do is find my way back into love” Oh Gosh he’s so freaking hot. Damn, I was so engrossed with “Sunshine” back then I never saw how hot he is…. LoL… And I thought “Sunshine” was all that… damn. This guy makes “Sunshine” pale in comparison!! His brown eyes, cute smile and tousled hair…. Aiyo, makes Sunshine look blah. Seriously, how does Sunshine look like again??? Hahahahaha… M serious!!! LOL.
Oh man, m so in love with the song. Who cares if it’s Hugh Grant singing… I love the lyrics and the melody!! Hehehehe… It kinda makes makes me nice, worm and fuzzy inside like thinking of my cutie does… LoL… hahahaha… makes me imaginew me & cutie dancing together… lol lol lol… The lyrics kinda speak of what I'm feeling right now...
Was under some sort of hypnosis thingy the other day... The psychologist said thing of a happy memory and in my mind i suddenly remember how save and secured I felt in Sunshine's car that one rainy day... how the air smelled, the feling of his car seat, my wet clothes, the smell inside the car, his perfume, how his smie looked like and his voice etc... then the psychologist said "now it is time o let go and forget of the past. move on. forgive and forget..." and then he counted backwards and I woke up... freaky but i kinda find it easier to forget sunshine... sigh... and that was at a talk by a psychologist i went with my family & some church ppl...
Now I'm ready to move on and think abt my cutie!! Damn, why cant he come to Brunei eh? And Lina, stop SMSing me all that stuff just now... not too X Rated at church k... LoL... I know u dont mean it to sound x rated but u know d state of my hormone right now!! LoL.... ROTFLMAO!!! Oh man.... I dunno wat to do now.... Shit better not effect my work la. Hope my boss dont find me drooling abt him or me sending him Myspace messages... LoL... Which reminds me... I supposed to ask Lina what to ask him. Damn. lol... oh man, I swear a lot today, huh? and to think that all it takes to get me all swear-y wa the thought of a rendezvous with him!! Hmmm.. i should realy get him a nick name.... will think of it tonight. The one Lina & I use is too conspicuous !! Man, my feet r tingling! LoL... hahaha... M I in love??? nah, until d day of the skin on skin contact (ew... sound so x rated... til we r physically near each other?) probably?? LoL...
Hmmm... gotta go off now... Need to shower and start the beautification regime... LoL. I love it when I'm crushing... My face's skin becomes all soft and smooth with out much work. Don't even need to worry to exfoliate or do facial... and my face glow from inside. must be too happy... LoL...
Oh man.. update!! he's gonna be inSingapore on Aust 31 & Sept 1st!!!! OMG!!! Tickets!!
Hugh Grant & Haley Bennet- Way Back Into Love (Music & Lyrics OST)
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past
I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
Oh oh oh
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
What an eventful week!
One day I had to work at 5.30AM and it was raining cats and dog (some parts of Bandar flooded!!) but luckily I had the rest of the day off after the event I had to do.
A few days later I went to an ambassador's house an was overwhelmed by her 'down to earth-ness'... She's so nice and frankly speaking, treats everyone equally but yet still retains their respect for her and her people really looks up to her. Who? Someone who is quite a good friend of dad's (or so I think). We even had dinner at the same table as her!! I feel so touched by her humility that I feel like such an ass for being so diva-ish sometimes! LOL
Been a pretty hectic week this week and yesterday was so hectic I felt so faint... esp since I had to go for another meeting after work. So stressed!!! 1 hour after i got home I decided to check my blood pressure... OMG! It had shot up to 131/83!!! I wonder how high it would have been if I had checked an hour earlier! Anyway, we also had soem sort of family gathering with my mum's God daughter's family at my place as her bro just celebrated his birthday. They her mum did facial for mum, me & my sis (in that order...) LOL. She's a beautician ma... My God sister is so cheeky... she wanted to polish our then-white-with-masque faces with black shoe polish!! She & her sis were running around climbing over chairs and people... I wish I was 5 again... hahahah..
Today was quite ok, not as bad a yesterday la. But my boss woke me up when she called at 7am! (I wake at 7.20am every working day). Just came back from a dinner actually. A 'rojak' dinner- thanksgiving, early 39 Wedding anniversary (uh-oh... I thought it was 40! My bad...), a belated wedding dinner by the couple's son, family gathering/ reunion, friends gathering etc... Pretty ok. Had quite good company at my table (though it was the last table at the back but we could actually have more 'privacy' to talk). They are all my parents' friend but hey, I'm cool with them. Prefer them to some young people (who kinda freak me out! yeah, soem of my sister's friends do!)
Oh yeah, yesterday got a call from Body shop that my pics are ready to be collected. But since I was rushing home from meeting for the family thingy I didn't manage to collect it. Dad collected it this morning for me (thankie...) and it's ok la. Though my family said I look like Bollywood actress pulang (heh??!!? Me Chinese, not Indian... As fas as I know I have no Indian blood in family line... What am I? Read my sister's blog entry on that.) Anyways, I'll put up one pic at a time at my friendster site so if you are curious look at it la... hehehe... The link to my friendster is at the link area on the right --->>
Okies... gotta shower and go to bed now... Got hay fever and allergies from a HUGE vase of flowers at the dinner... I'm allergic to pollen! My eyes are pinkish, watery and and had running nose during the dinner. Din help that I was (am still) wearing a very low cut dress... Was worried that my bra would come out! lol.. Ok... Nite nite... Ooh... gotta wish ppl happy birthday before midnight!
P/S:: My birthday is 2 week's time!! Yahoo!!! Hope i get many prezzies! lol...
What an eventful week!
One day I had to work at 5.30AM and it was raining cats and dog (some parts of Bandar flooded!!) but luckily I had the rest of the day off after the event I had to do.
A few days later I went to an ambassador's house an was overwhelmed by her 'down to earth-ness'... She's so nice and frankly speaking, treats everyone equally but yet still retains their respect for her and her people really looks up to her. Who? Someone who is quite a good friend of dad's (or so I think). We even had dinner at the same table as her!! I feel so touched by her humility that I feel like such an ass for being so diva-ish sometimes! LOL
Been a pretty hectic week this week and yesterday was so hectic I felt so faint... esp since I had to go for another meeting after work. So stressed!!! 1 hour after i got home I decided to check my blood pressure... OMG! It had shot up to 131/83!!! I wonder how high it would have been if I had checked an hour earlier! Anyway, we also had soem sort of family gathering with my mum's God daughter's family at my place as her bro just celebrated his birthday. They her mum did facial for mum, me & my sis (in that order...) LOL. She's a beautician ma... My God sister is so cheeky... she wanted to polish our then-white-with-masque faces with black shoe polish!! She & her sis were running around climbing over chairs and people... I wish I was 5 again... hahahah..
Today was quite ok, not as bad a yesterday la. But my boss woke me up when she called at 7am! (I wake at 7.20am every working day). Just came back from a dinner actually. A 'rojak' dinner- thanksgiving, early 39 Wedding anniversary (uh-oh... I thought it was 40! My bad...), a belated wedding dinner by the couple's son, family gathering/ reunion, friends gathering etc... Pretty ok. Had quite good company at my table (though it was the last table at the back but we could actually have more 'privacy' to talk). They are all my parents' friend but hey, I'm cool with them. Prefer them to some young people (who kinda freak me out! yeah, soem of my sister's friends do!)
Oh yeah, yesterday got a call from Body shop that my pics are ready to be collected. But since I was rushing home from meeting for the family thingy I didn't manage to collect it. Dad collected it this morning for me (thankie...) and it's ok la. Though my family said I look like Bollywood actress pulang (heh??!!? Me Chinese, not Indian... As fas as I know I have no Indian blood in family line... What am I? Read my sister's blog entry on that.) Anyways, I'll put up one pic at a time at my friendster site so if you are curious look at it la... hehehe... The link to my friendster is at the link area on the right --->>
Okies... gotta shower and go to bed now... Got hay fever and allergies from a HUGE vase of flowers at the dinner... I'm allergic to pollen! My eyes are pinkish, watery and and had running nose during the dinner. Din help that I was (am still) wearing a very low cut dress... Was worried that my bra would come out! lol.. Ok... Nite nite... Ooh... gotta wish ppl happy birthday before midnight!
P/S:: My birthday is 2 week's time!! Yahoo!!! Hope i get many prezzies! lol...
Monday, April 09, 2007
Current Colour: seeing red
Current Music: tv
Current Annoyance: ppl who dont like me to input into conversations... ppl trying to make conversation ma... if i dun talk ppl say i'm sulking again n not sociable
Nothing much to blog coz got mood killer at home... ppl cannaot kill that person's mmod but that person can kill other's mood la... grr...
Anyways, in d next few days would be giving my bloggie a face lift. Deleting some entries, esp those of me ranting about more oh-so-boring job. Why can't I have a job half as exciting as what I studied? The closes thing to a production set/ studio i have now is the RTB studios!!! *Groan* Can't wait til Rama announce that Curtin would be offering MA in mass Comm... though he did say it could be Media Management... Not my kinda thing... prefer to work my way up first... It's weird that nowadays ppl tend to get managerial jobs without knowing what they are supposed to be managing. I mean, if a person is a Media manager, of course he/she needs to have a knowledge and experience of the people they are managing. eg, managing a TV network... should know how TV programming is done, handled, the selection proccess that has to be done when selecting tv shows, time slots, adverts etc... Besides... I'm kinda sick of working in an office with no action! LOL... need the adrenaline rush, moving here and there, working under extreme pressure... Syok man!!
Anyways... I'll better stop before I go off ranting about my 'job' again... People would think i hate my job. No I don't actually hate it. Frankly speaking.. I don't feel anything about it. I do what I have to do, not because I want to but because I have to. Most ppl hate their bosses... Mine's not bad. Pretty nice. too bad I cant say the same about my DOB (only I know what DOB means) colleagues... Plus... the AGE GAP!! and the lack of men... Married older men with kids my age or older ada lah in my office but sorry... Not interested at all... Sigh...
PPl think I hate my life in Brunei... Truly, if this is any other country and my life is still like this, I'd stil hate it. It's not the country (unless it's a country where I can actually see/meet young hot guys and not boring old people only)... it's d ppl (or lack of ppl) I'm around. Need to hang out with more younget ppl... Other ppl can hang out with their colleagues after work... Mine? Hello... they haf families to return to. Had so much fun that day cruising around and hanging out at coffeebean til pass midnight with Lina & Khiong... and coming back only when my parents were already sleeping! hahaha... Definitely better than coming back from workand crashing on d bed
each night, day in and day out...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Current Colour: navy blue, dark red
Current Music: Pain by Three Day's Grace
Current Annoyance: Get out of my head!
Current Obsession: getting someone out of my system again
this song's one of my fav new songs... cant find the CD song manage to get the ring tone. Saw d music vid on MTV & loved d song from the first time... Lyrics says it all... got a "relapse". wonder when can I get over this????
Pain - Three Days Grace (Album- One X)
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
‘Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Anger and agony
Are better than misery
Trust me I've got a plan
When the lights go off you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
Rather feel pain
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you're wounded
You know (You know you know you know you know)
That I'm here to save you
You know (You know you know you know you know)
I'm always here for you
I know (I know I know I know I know)
That you'll thank me later
Pain, without love
Pain, can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Thank God it wasn't him!
Current Colour: black
Current Music: sleeping with the lights on (busted)
Current Annoyance: my body aching
Current Obsession: sudoku on my N73! oh noooo....
Current Physical Ailment: body aching all over
Sigh... cant sleep again. so checking mail & what not. hmm... was reading my previous entry. hahahha... wanna laugh la. Was laughing d other day. I saw d guy-who-looks-like-Sunshine at airport. he was checking in. same flight as my sis. i had a good look at him. Definitely NOT Sunshine! why?
- his nose is sharper & lips r different.
- face is smaller & sharper. kinda ratty! lol.
- he is a left hander (Sunshine's right handed. I should know. I observe him enough to know dat)
- shorter
- when i really got to look at him, i realised his build is not d same. small shoulders, d waist also different. dunno how i can tell but yeah.
- his ass!! His Ass made me decide it wasn't Sunshine! LOL! Why? coz Sunshine's ass was wider! lol. and rounder and so nice to look at that it makes one wanna smack it! huhuhu...
hahaha... I sound like a perv la! But hey, I stare at his ass enough to enjoy it. din help dat he even purposely raise his t-shirt a bit to show his sexy red undies & then tug his short up... in front of me IN THE RAIN... after we got to uni... together... LOL. huh? together? hehehe... ader la... not gonna tell... *wink wink*
U shud haf heard my sighs of relieve when I realised it wasn't him. Kus semangat! Nearly died when i thought it was him. why? coz if it was him... i'd probably die of curiosity why he's here 7 all dat. Plus I had a weird dream abt him becoming a manager in brunei & we get invited to d same function (by French embassy at Yacht club!! must. be. wary. if. i. get.invite. from. french. embassy). weird, weird , WEIRD!!!
anyways... happy it's all over. but stress out coz my boss it back & i feel like my ass is gonna get busted. dunno la. when she was away office was very tensed bah. I have d feeling i used to have in uni or sch when i feel/know/think dat i will get called up and get busted! damn!
Friday, March 09, 2007
I thought I saw Sunshine in Brunei!!!!!!!!!!
Current Colour: navy blue... hehehe
Current Music: some a1 songs my sis is playing... sigh remind me of......
Current Annoyance: was it you just now?
Current Obsession: is he is brunei?
Current Physical Ailment: headache due to confusion! heart ache is back again coz it remembers all d beautiful things of 2003-2004... sigh....
I just need to blog before I go crazy! was waiting 4 dad after work & i saw this guy talking to another guy (I assume asking something/ directions/ whatever). the first guy's back was facing me but something abt d physical build and mannerism reminded me of -HIM-. was wearing a cap and something abt d side of his face/ jaw under d cap reminded me of... Grrr...
when he walked passed me... aiyoyo... really looks like -HIM- except thinner and darker. height same, eyes, facial features all same. d guy din seem to show any recognisation when he passed me so maybe it's just me being silly and it wasn't him. then again, mayb if it WAS -HIM- then mayb he din recognise me with all my clothes on. eh, dont think d wrong way... i meant, he prob din recognise me (If it was -HIM-) coz he used to see me in skippy spaghetti strap tops and mini skirts in uni. Not that he had seen me nude la... choy! u think i so cheap ah? got offer but u think i want meh? wanna kena disown ka? cheh!
Anyway, now i cant sleep thus am blogging coz me so confused if that was -HIM- of his doppelganger (sp?) Aargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d first 2-3 hrs i was grinning like a fool, now my head is spinning like a whirlpool.... oh man. I'm starting to rhyme again. He makes me rhyme & write poems... beware if u get poems in my blog!! Damn!!! if it is him... wat's he doing here? where is his other half (rumoured to have one already...) wt was he doing where he was (just now) and looking for wat? Aaargh!!!! I nearly fell off the steps just now and my heart cud haf dropped out when he passed me. the eyes wa... it was similar... Kinda know how he looks like with out know it is him (physical-wise/ mannerism) coz i probably spent more time studying him than my books (lol... actually yes, i did but cant tell u when & where. but canteen & football field/ basketball court area are some of d places but thr's another place i spent hours 'studying'!).
Grrr... i need sleep!! got work in less than 7 hrs time! probably have night mares dreaming of him stalking me this time! LOL... Sigh... If anyone knows if that was -HIM- or not tell me please!!!! but.. "As if u'll know who -HIM- is!!"
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Pictures from 2004

Saturday, February 03, 2007
Blog thing quizes
You Are 60% Extrovert, 40% Introvert |
![]() |
You Are 47% Angry |
![]() Generally, you are not an angry person. But you're easily frustrated and enraged. You have one heck of a temper. And because of your anger, you tend to feel resentful and even spiteful. You already know how to quell your anger. You just need to do it more often. |
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage pessimistically. You don't think happy marriages exist anymore. In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
You Should Get a MFA (Masters of Fine Arts) |
![]() You're a blooming artistic talent, even if you aren't quite convinced. You'd make an incredible artist, photographer, or film maker. |
You Should Be an Actor |
![]() You have a flair for the dramatic, and you probably already do a lot of acting in your day to day life, just to entertain yourself. No need to steal the spotlight from your friends... You'll get plenty of attention once you start acting professionally! |
Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC |
![]() "Back in black, I hit the sack, I've been too long, I'm glad to be back" Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos. But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last! |
You Are 64% Control Freak |
![]() You are a pretty major control freak, though you may not know it. While your confidence is inspiring, your bossy ways tend to scare people off. |
Hahaha... I am?
You Are Somewhat Mature |
![]() You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart. While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later. |
Coz I m a 'teenager' stuck in an office full of 'deperate women...' LOL!! Seems like an episod of Despearte Housewives everyday!
Your Hair Should Be Blue |
![]() Wild, brilliant, and out of control. You're a risk taker with an eye to the future. |
You Are 36% Evil |
![]() A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
Your Stress Level is: 62% |
![]() You are prone to stress, and you're probably even pretty stressed right now. Life's problems seem to pile up on you, and this often makes you feel depressed and burned out. Learn to take time to relax and enjoy life, even if things are stressful. It's the only way you'll get through the bad times. |
You Should Drive a Bentley Azure |
![]() You're all flash, and you love to show off to anyone who will watch. And you're such a high roller, this is just one car of many for you... |
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic |
![]() Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few. But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky. Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski |
You Are Shadowcat |
![]() You're like a little sister to some, but others see you as a sex kitten. You are well trained in martial arts, a bit of a computer geek, and can totally kick butt. Powers: the ability to "phase" through walls and other physical objects |
You Are a Chick Rocker! |
![]() You're living proof that chicks can rock You're inspired by Joan Jett and the Donnas And when you rock, you rock hard (Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!) |
Your Career Type: Artistic |
![]() You are expressive, original, and independent. Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art. You would make an excellent: Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary. |
You Are Very Worldly |
![]() You're an international jet setter - or pretty darn close. And while you may feel like you have many more places to visit... Most people live their whole lives without seeing what you've seen. In fact, you're probably going to be traveling again soon. So Bon Voyage! |
You Are a Drama Queen (or King) |
![]() And the oscar goes to... you! You're all about overreacting and just plain acting. You see the world as your stage, and give a great performance. And while you're friends may find you entertaining at times... Everyone's secretly hoping that you'll just chill a little. (But they'd never tell you - they fear your wrath!) |
Your Birthdate: May 17 |
![]() You love being in love... so much so that it's very hard for you to be single. Unfortunately, it's difficult for you to stay in love over time. Too many people intrigue you! Only your true love will be able to keep you interested over time. Number of True Loves You'll Have: 1 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4 You are most compatible with people born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th of the month. |
You are a Rocker Girl! |
![]() If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's. Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know. Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime. Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker! |
You Should Be a Cherry Redhead |
![]() Sexy, dramatic, but still sweetly feminine. Perfect for getting out of the hair color doldrums! |
I used to have cherry red hair!! Coincidence?
Your Dream Engagement Ring Has a Marquise Diamond! |
![]() Like most Marquise diamond wearers, you are sexy and impulsive. You're also good at getting what you want in life, no matter what it is. You tend to be successful at love, your career, and anything else you desire. Think Victoria Beckham and Catherine Zeta Jones: proud wearers of this ring! |
Your Perfume is Still |
![]() You are simply and totally sophisticated. Your style and class mesmerize everyone you meet. Underneath it all, you are delicate and refreshing. You're different enough to make an impression, that's for sure. Power scents: White pepper, musk, and honeysuckle. |
You Are Most Like Christina Aguilera |
![]() “I'm experimental by nature...always exploring my creativity.” |
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Current Colour: b lack
Current Music: jazz (weird for moody mood but jazz is kinda dark too)
Current Annoyance: lots of things. read my other blog... friendster one... go to my links to c access it.
Current Obsession: manicures & pedicures... i go every forthnight!
Current Physical Ailment: sick physically & in d head
what to say? I'm still alive. 'nuff said. read my other blog.