Monday, March 21, 2005

Current Mood: dunno... haf feeling all day
Current Colour: black
Current Music: purest of pain (correct ka d name) spannish version
Current Annoyance: itchy eyes
Current Obsession: Alonso, Alex & Andy (hahahaha....)
Current Physical Ailment: wanna shit... hahahaha

This is a reply to Iqqy's question:

"What is it that qualifies a man to be bestowed the benevolent title of a Brother?"

- be there when I'm in need (even buy food for me... hehehe)
- giving advices to me
- cheering me up when i'm down
- giving good hugs *GRIN* esp Iqqy & Charlie.
- just being fun ppl to be with & learn things from a 'man's point of view'
- get 'theory education' in Desserts... I think they think we're nuts! hehehe
- keeps me safe when we go out (well 3 bros to 1 girl is considered safe rite?)

erm.... dunno eh. it's just destined to be... Maybe... hehehe... But i can say for sure, i dun call a person brother jez to stop him liking me... hehehehe.. THANK GOD I NEVER HAF TO DO DAT... hehehe... coz it's weird... hahahaha....

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