Current Colour: Black, red & blue
Current Music: KRU (Seksa)
Current Annoyance: haf to finish essay & presentation
Current Obsession: Yusry so cute!! la la la (see Terhangat di pasaran vid: d guy in black wid facial hair in a black vest aka singlet [sorry le, i thout I'm British! LOL])
Current Physical Ailment: sleepy & hungry
stress, so stress coz tryin to complete an essay & presentation by 5 if possible. damn. so sleepy i cud fall asleep now. i dun even know how to use capitals anymore... hahahaha.... yeah Yusry is so hott dat i hope this sem got new guy come n looks like him. hahahaha... Hmm... yesterday watch TV got so many cute guys leh... all dark haired, thank you very much. i wonder y my sis like blonds so much... eew... worse is blond chinese guys (if it dun fit them). if fair ok la look like ang mo but if dark... ee-ew!!! hahahah
k la. dunno wat to say. need to do work. missing sunshine so damn much dat i dream of him a lot these dyas. i dreamt he is taking summer wid me & better still once i dreamt he is back for one more sem (for i dunno wat). hahahahah.... geez... i'm obssessed, aren't i? i owe that to over work due to summercourse, stress, hunger & lack of proper sleep or shopping opportunities. hehehe... Ciao!
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