Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm currently modifying my NKOTB Blogger skin so bear with the current skin for at least the next day or so! =D

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bummed out

Current Mood: bummed out
Current Colour: black... I'm mourning
Current Music: Whatever it takes- The Faders
Current Annoyance: the nkotb forum is shutdown
Current Obsession: being bummed out
Current Physical Ailment: feeling over bummed out?

I know, I know... I've been neglecting this blog. I have nothing much to say these days.

I've been really really active in the NKOTB Community, most particularly the Jonathan forum. I'm like the "Queen" in there coz I have the most posts but... LMAO... I am not the Queen coz we are all equally the same, just fans. Plus there IS someone useing Queen as her nick. ;)

Thursday, suddenly the Jonathan forum was shut down, lock down, whatever. I was online when it happened and I freak out. And then came a flood of private messages. Thank God for that, or else I'd probably would have fainted or something... but I could not offer an explaination. Up to now.

And Saturday 12 noon, the whole forum closed down! Seriously! And I was online again when it happened and I freaked again. but I was prepared and this time I wasn't at work so had MSN on and one of my fellow fans IMing me. We were both freaking out but it worked out ok.

Right now feeling bummed coz I miss the forum. Been keeping in touch through FB, Myspace and emails... :( I miss my support group... heheheh..